Frontenac Hearing Clinic is Open!
We are open!
Frontenac Hearing is open for business, but it’s not quite business as usual. Cleaning and sanitizing the clinic and equipment has always been important, now more than ever. All surfaces are sanitized regularly throughout the day and after each use, including doors, debit machine and telephones and all equipment. We have installed sneeze guards and our staff is wearing protective equipment, we ask that clients use the hand sanitizer provided and wear a mask upon entering the clinic.
Our clinic hours are currently 9:00-3:00 Monday to Friday. Appointments are scheduled to minimize the amount of people in the clinic at a time and to provide time to sanitize between clients and respect physical distancing. We ask that you call ahead, to schedule a convenient time to stop by to pick up supplies or to have your hearing aid repaired. Curbside pick-up is available. We are working to arrange appointments as quickly as possible.
We thank you for your patience and understanding while we get back up and running.